Join the Social Justice Co-operative and the Anti-Racism Coalition NL for a panel discussion of environmental racism in all its forms - in our communities, in the climate justice movement, and beyond. And of course... a CAKE RAFFLE and the usual #GreenNewDrinks shenanigans!
******* PANEL
Possibilities for an engaged antiracist and localized climate justice movement: a conversation
From the Canadian Arctic to the Congo Basin, from Wet’suwet’en to Labrador and across the world, Indigenous and racialized people disproportionately live with environmental degradation and upheaval. When they stand up against the degradation of their lands, waters, homes, and neighbourhoods, they are not always celebrated; more often, they are criminalized and met with state violence, while their concerns are ignored.
As Robert D. Bullard and Beverly Wright write, “environmental and public health threats from natural and human-made disasters are not randomly distributed,” and racialized (and Indigenous) people are the “wrong complexion for protection.”
Our panellists will address how these issues play out in our communities and environmental movements in Newfoundland and Labrador - and how we can push back against white supremacy by uplifting and centring Indigenous and racialized voices in everything we do.
This event is all-ages, and is a kid & breastfeeding friendly environment. We will be providing child-friendly programming for the duration of the event! This event is held on the main floor of Bannerman Brewery, which is wheelchair-accessible and has a wheelchair-accessible bathroom.